The gods of thunder and lightening conspired to cancel the main events at Ceraland, considered a season opener for many of us. Despite its billing as an ABR race and not a mainstream USA Cycling event, it always draws top talent and the best teams.
Category: Miscellaneous
Hillsboro-Roubaix Race Report
Posted by: Liz Cobb
Harsh headwinds and large fields were the order of the day at the Hillsboro Roubaix. These factors along with the strict enforcement of the “yellow-line rule” made this race challenging for the Team Scholar’s Inn Bakehouse riders who choose to brave several hours in the car to participate. None to say the experience was not worth the trip; it certainly was. The promoters have the organizational aspect of the race down cold after ten-plus years of hosting Hillsboro, the citizens in the surrounding area are very friendly, and the weather was delightful ending up sunny in the mid 60 degree range. Though, as Aaron Piling astutely pointed out, riding for three hours with the fierce head/cross wind constantly changing directions could cause one to question whether or not the conditions were ideal.
Additionally, the enforcement of the center line rule along with the large numbers of racers, made it difficult if not impossible to improve position or bridge gaps if one did not start out in the front of their respective races. Moving around other cyclists on the left, as many of us train to do, was risky as it lead to possible relegation or disqualification depending on how the referee felt. So, in effort to escape the yo-yo effect that is inevitable at the back of large groups, I employed some of my cyclocross skills and rode through the gravel shoulder to join the other engines driving my field. Aaron, Ryan Preske and Tom Saccone all expressed the frustration of seeing the break move away from the packs they were in and felt better positioning at the start could have changed the order of the day.
Caughlin makes Top Ten in Women’s ITT!
Full results here:
FINAL: Women’s ITT Results
By Stephanie Kuzydym | IDS Little 500 beat reporter
Posted at 8:22 pm on March 30, 2011 | | | Comments (0)
In 2009, Teter’s Caitlin Van Kooten stole the first place with a time of 2:40.03. Van Kooten rode away with the top spot this year with a time of 2:39.41. The pole winners, Delta Gamma had two riders place within the top ten (Kent and Doogs). Teter, second on the pole, also had two riders in the top ten (Van Kooten and Caughlin). Alpha Gamma Delta, who placed third in the 2009 race and qualified in sixth, had one rider in the top 10.
1. Caitlin Van Kooten – Teter 02:39.41
2. Melinda Balchan – Alpha Gamma Delta 02:42.14
3. Caroline Brown – Pi Beta Phi 02:42.55
4. Kathleen Chelminiak – Kappa Alpha Theta 02:44.90
5. Aileen Ottenweller- Army Women 02:47.22
6. Kelsey Kent – Delta Gamma 02:47.62
7. Kelsey Tharnstrom- Alpha Chi Omega 02:48.13
8. Sonja Arnesen – Gamma Phi Beta 02:48.49
9. Emma Caughlin- Teter 02:48.59
10. Kayce Doogs- Delta Gamma 02:48.60